Benjamin Boas

 Benjamin Boas has over a decade of experience as a global communication consultant. Recognized by the Japanese Government’s Cabinet Office as a Cool Japan Ambassador, Benjamin is author of two books on Japanese culture and English education in Japan. His writing has been published by organizations including The Japan Times, The Yomiuri Shimbun, and Studio Ghibli. He regularly appears in television programs on NHK World and lectures at universities in Japan and the United States.

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After graduating from Brown University, Benjamin studied at Kyoto University on a Fulbright Fellowship and has held research positions at the University of Tokyo, Osaka University of Commerce, and Keio University. He has done work for organizations including Netflix, Kickstarter and JTB.

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Outside of work, Benjamin is an avid mahjong player and has placed in two international championships. He holds a 2nd-degree black belt and instructor certification from the Yoshinkan Aikido Hombu Dojo.




  • 『軍艦島30号棟 夢幻泡影 ~1972+2014~』

  • 「サイトウ・キネン・フェスティバル松本」のプログラム

  • 学術論文(文化人類学、社会学、法律学、カジノ学)

  • アニメ制作用のバイリンガル脚本

  • 会社のPR書類、社内アンケート

  • ホームページコンテンツ

  • PR動画の字幕制作及び翻訳

  • 観光者及び訪問者向けパンフレット(円覚寺、大阪商業大学、山梨大学)

  • 映画「ダンスの時間
