Learning about Japan Through Manga and Video Games by Benjamin Boas, illustrated by Aoyagi Chika, Shogakukan publishing, 2015
Re-learning English Conversation for Adults by Benjamin Boas, illustrated by Aoyagi Chika, - Shogakukan publishing, 2016
Translation production
Books / Manga:
Battleship Island Building No. 30, Between Dreams and Reality by Takahashi Masatsugu - Daiwa Shobo
Why Japan - A diplomat’s perspective by Manlio Cadelo, former ambassador of San Marino - Shogakukan publishing
Sayonara September by Asa Ecktron (English edition) - Creek and River Co. Ltd.
Progressive Junior High School English-Japanese dictionary - Shogakukan Publishing
Progressive Junior High School English-Japanese dictionary, Charming Edition - Shogakukan Publishing
Progressive English Learning Dictionary for Adults - Shogakukan Publishing
Re-learn English for Adults, Exercise Book - Shogakukan Publishing
Time to Dance - Office Mariko Nonaka
Knights of Sidonia - Polygon Pictures
English language translation production - Tokyo FM
Public Relations
Government relations document translation - GR Japan
Informational programs - Saito Kinen Matsumoto Festival
Tourist guide booklet - Engakuji Zen Buddhist Temple
Visitor pamphlets - Osaka University of Commerce, Yamanashi University
Bilingual educational comics - Shogakukan Music Digital Entertainment
Subtitle production and translation of PR videos - WorldSteel International
My 30 year love affair with japan - CNN English Express
Cool Japan isn't cool!? - Neppu - Studio Ghibli
Cool Japan needs to listen to its target market - The Japan Times
I, Tokyo: Benjamin Boas - Timeout
Guide Rather than Teach - Yomiuri Shinbun
Japan as seen by foreigners: There's some really interesting manga out there! - Livedoor News
Where to gamble in Tokyo - Timeout
From 98-pound weakling to Black Belt - Japan Subculture
Japanese are big gamblers already - The Japan Times
Dumb Luck: Japanese gamblers love hunches-and throw statistics out the window - Metropolis
Beating them at their own game: first foreign mahjong professional Jenn Barr - Metropolis
Japan Association of Translators
Ministry of Finance Japan
City University of New York
Otani University
Senshu University
Temple University
Osaka University of Commerce
Meiji University
Baruch University
The key to Japan's tourism recovery: 2023 and beyond - Nikkei News Plus 9
Branding Japan: 2020 and Beyond - presentation with Dr. Nancy Snow
Tokyo Eye 2020, Touring Tokyo’s Public Baths - NHK World
Journeys in Japan, Yanai - NHK World
Tokyo Eye 2020, A Martial Arts Tour of Tokyo - NHK World
Tokyo Eye 2020, Tourism Enhancing Technology - NHK World
Nakano’s Newest Tourism Ambassador - Tokyo MX
Guest Corner, Benjamin Boas - Yokohama FM
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